Is Rent Tax Deductible in Australia? Unlock the Facts



The Insider @ Houst
Last updated on
September 6, 2023
February 6, 2024

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Is Rent Tax Deductible in Australia? Unlock the Facts

Airbnb Management Services by Houst | Short-Term Rental Experts

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Understanding the deductions for your investment property can significantly increase your tax refund. Yet, numerous investors overlook claiming expenses due to a lack of familiarity with the information provided by the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

Recognising the complete range of tax advantages within your reach might be the decisive factor between merely wishing for satisfactory returns from your investment property and experiencing a favourable cash flow. In this blog, we’ll answer your question, “Is rent tax deductible in Australia?” in detail.

Table of Contents

Rental Expenses Breakdown

Rental expenses fall into three distinct categories, each with its own rules for claiming deductions:

Immediate Deductions (Current Income Year)

These are expenses you can claim in the same year. Immediate deductions are those expenses that are directly related to the management and maintenance of your rental property and can be claimed within the same financial year. These may include:

  • Advertising Costs: If you've spent money on advertising to find a tenant, those costs are deductible.
  • Council Rates and Taxes: Local government taxes for services like water and garbage removal can usually be claimed.
  • Day-to-Day Maintenance: Costs for regular upkeep, like lawn mowing or cleaning services, are typically deductible.
  • Insurance: You can claim the cost of insuring your rental property, which may include building, contents, and public liability insurance.
  • Interest on Loans: If you've taken out a loan to buy your rental property, the interest on that loan is usually deductible.
  • Property Management Fees: If you employ a property management service, those fees are generally deductible.

A landlord and tenant shaking hands in agreement, with a residential property in the background.

Gradual Deductions (Over Multiple Years)

Certain expenses can be claimed over several years. Some deductions are claimed over a period of years rather than immediately. These may include:

  • Capital Works: Also known as building write-offs, these are deductions for structural elements like walls, floors, and roofs. The usual rate is 2.5% per annum over 40 years.
  • Borrowing Costs: Expenses like loan establishment fees, title search fees, and costs for preparing and filing mortgage documents can be claimed over five years.
  • Depreciating Assets: Items like ovens, dishwashers, and air conditioners lose value over time, and that decrease in value can be claimed over several years.

Non-Deductible Expenses

There are expenses that you can't claim as a deduction. These encompass personal expenses, expenses arising from your personal use of the property, specific capital-related expenditures, and the acquisition of second-hand depreciating assets after 9 May 2017. There are several types of expenses that you cannot claim as tax deductions:

  • Personal Use: Any expenses incurred from personal use of the property cannot be claimed.
  • Acquisition and Disposal Costs: Costs related to the purchase or sale of the property are generally not deductible.
  • Second-Hand Depreciating Assets: If you acquire second-hand depreciating assets for your rental property after 9 May 2017, you cannot claim them as deductions.

It's worth noting that some expenses might be eligible for deduction even before your property is officially available for rent. For example, you can claim interest on loans to rent out the property. However, if your intentions change, you won't be able to claim these expenses.

Accurate Expense Claims

To ensure you're claiming the appropriate expense amount, consider these factors if they apply to your situation:

  • Partial Availability for Rent: If your property is available only for a portion of the year.
  • Mixed Personal and Income-Producing Use: If you use the property for personal purposes for part of the year alongside generating income.
  • Partial Income Generation: If only a section of your property is used for rental income.
  • Non-Commercial Rental Rates: If you're renting your property at rates below the market standard.
  • Dual Personal and Investment Loan Usage: If your investment loan serves both personal and investment purposes.

You should differentiate between expenses that hold a private nature. For example, when you rent out only a part of your property, calculate expenses based on the floor area occupied solely by the tenant. Also, include a reasonable amount for their access to shared spaces.

It's worth mentioning that some expenses may be eligible for deduction even before your property is officially available for rent. For instance, interest on loans taken to rent out the property can be claimed as deductions. However, if your intentions change and you decide not to rent the property, these deductions become ineligible.

By understanding the different categories of deductible expenses, you can make the most of tax benefits and improve your rental property's financial performance.

A calculator and financial documents on a table, illustrating the financial management involved in owning a rental property.

Positive vs. Negative Gearing

The financial status of your rental property can be categorised as either 'positively geared' or 'negatively geared' based on your financial outcomes:

Positive Gearing

What It Means:

When a rental property is "positively geared," it means that the rental income exceeds the expenses, leading to a net profit. In simple terms, you're making more from the property than you're spending on it.

Tax Implications:

Being in a positively geared position is generally beneficial for your overall cash flow. However, it's crucial to understand that the extra income you earn from the property is subject to tax. Essentially, the profit becomes an additional income source and will be taxed according to your overall income level.

Investment Strategy:

Positive gearing is typically suitable for investors who are looking for an immediate return on their investment through regular rental income. It is often seen as a lower-risk strategy because the property is self-sustaining financially.

A balance scale weighing the concepts of positive and negative gearing in property investment.

Negative Gearing

What It Means:

In contrast, "negative gearing" occurs when the expenses associated with maintaining your rental property exceed the rental income, resulting in a net loss.

Tax Implications:

In Australia, a negatively geared property allows you to claim a tax deduction on that loss. This means you can offset the loss against other sources of income, such as salary or business earnings, thereby reducing your overall taxable income. If your other income isn't enough to offset the rental loss, you can usually carry forward this loss to offset future income, reducing future tax obligations.

Investment Strategy:

Investors who opt for negative gearing often do so with an eye on long-term benefits. They speculate that any short-term loss will be more than offset by the property's capital growth over time. However, this strategy is more speculative and carries a higher risk, as it relies on the property increasing in value.

Continue reading: Is Negative Gearing Right for Your Australian Property Investment?

Comparison and Strategy Adaptation:

  1. Cash Flow vs. Capital Growth: Positive gearing helps with immediate cash flow, whereas negative gearing is a long-term capital growth strategy.
  2. Risk Tolerance: Your risk tolerance and investment timeline will play significant roles in deciding which gearing strategy suits you best.
  3. Market Conditions: Market trends may influence your gearing strategy. For example, in a rising market, negative gearing could quickly turn into positive gearing due to increasing rental yields.
  4. Diversification: Some investors choose to have a mix of both positively and negatively geared properties in their portfolio for diversification.

Understanding these concepts and their implications can help you make informed decisions tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Property investors analyzing market conditions to decide between positive and negative gearing strategies.

Changes in Deductible Expenses

Staying abreast of tax regulations is not just about compliance—it's also about making informed decisions that can positively impact your financial health. Tax laws can change for a variety of reasons: government policy shifts, economic conditions, or even public opinion. One of the areas that have recently undergone a significant change is the rules surrounding deductions for vacant land. Below, we delve into what these changes mean for you.

Vacant Land Deductions

What It Was:

In the past, owning vacant land was somewhat of a tax haven for investors. The reasoning was straightforward: you could purchase a vacant land parcel and deduct the costs of holding that land from your taxable income. This was possible even if the land wasn't generating any income yet. The anticipation was that it would, at some point in the future, become a profitable venture—either through rental income, property development, or sale at a higher market value.

What Changed:

A legislative overhaul has significantly altered this landscape. According to new rules, the holding costs for vacant land are generally no longer deductible. This means you can no longer write off costs such as property taxes, insurance, and interest on loans used to purchase the vacant land unless that land is actively generating income.


For Long-term Investors

If you've been holding onto vacant land as part of a long-term investment strategy, these changes could substantially impact your bottom line. The inability to claim these deductions will increase your carrying costs, making it more expensive to hold onto the property for extended periods.

For Property Developers

For those in the property development sector, the changes present a strong incentive to accelerate development plans. Since holding costs are no longer deductible, keeping the land vacant becomes a less attractive option. Expedited development could offset some of these new financial pressures.

Financial Planning

It's imperative to revisit your financial and investment strategies in light of these changes. Consult your tax advisor to discuss how these changes affect your specific circumstances. You may need to reconsider the profitability of holding onto vacant land and weigh it against the benefits of alternative investments or developing the property sooner rather than later.

By understanding these changes, you can better navigate the complex world of property investment and tax planning. Always remember to consult with financial and tax professionals to ensure you're making the most strategic decisions for your unique situation.

Supplier ABN Requirement

Compliance with tax regulations is a complex but essential part of property management. One key area that has recently been updated involves the use of contractors for services and repairs related to your rental properties.

What It Is: The Significance of an Australian Business Number (ABN)

An Australian Business Number (ABN) is more than just an 11-digit identifier; it's a crucial part of how your business, or any business you interact with, relates to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and the broader community. Having an ABN ensures that the business is registered and operates within the framework of Australian law. It's not merely a regulatory requirement but also an essential piece of information that validates the legitimacy of the business you're dealing with.

New Rules: The Necessity of an ABN in Contractor Agreements

The ATO has tightened the rules surrounding the use of contractors for services or repairs related to your rental properties. Now, it's imperative that any contractor you employ provides their ABN before commencing work. Ignorance or neglect of this requirement comes with substantial financial consequences.

Implications: Financial and Regulatory Risks

The consequences for failing to ensure a contractor provides an ABN are significant:

Immediate Cash Flow Impact

If a contractor does not provide an ABN, you are legally obligated to withhold a staggering 47% of the payment and send it to the ATO. This not only affects your immediate cash flow but also complicates your financial records.

Jeopardising Deductions

Not adhering to the ABN requirement could put your ability to claim deductions for these contractor services in jeopardy. This could have a cascading effect on your tax planning and overall profitability.

Pro-Tips: Best Practices to Follow

  1. Always Request an ABN Before Work Begins: Before entering into any contract or agreement, make sure to request and validate the contractor's ABN.
  2. Include the ABN in Written Contracts: Any formal agreements should clearly state the contractor's ABN. This provides a paper trail and ensures compliance.
  3. Keep Detailed Records: Maintain thorough records of payments made and the corresponding withholding, where applicable. Good record-keeping is not only compliant but also prudent for your financial reviews.

Why Staying Updated is Crucial

Tax regulations are like shifting sands; they change frequently due to factors like annual federal budgets, shifts in government, and evolving economic policies. As a property investor, staying abreast of these changes will equip you to adapt your strategies efficiently. Not only will this help you remain compliant, but it will also allow you to optimise your tax liability by taking advantage of eligible deductions.

By understanding these changes and proactively adapting your investment and tax strategies, you set the stage for more effective property management and long-term financial planning.

Deductible Expenses for the Current Year

You're eligible for an immediate deduction for these expenses in the same income year you incur them. Remember, you can only claim a deduction for costs you've genuinely paid – deductions aren't applicable if your tenant covers the expense.

If your property falls under negative gearing, you might have the option to deduct the complete rental expenses from your rental income and other sources like your salary, wages, and business earnings.

Certain rental expenses are spread over multiple years, such as capital works and borrowing costs.

Immediate deductible expenses may include:

  • Advertising for finding tenants
  • Fees and charges for the body's corporate administrative fund
  • Council rates, water charges, and land tax
  • Cleaning, gardening, and lawn mowing services
  • Pest control measures
  • Insurance costs (building, contents, public liability, rent loss)
  • Interest payments
  • Prepaid expenses
  • Fees and commissions for property agents
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Legal expenses.

Note: These deductions hinge on the specific circumstances and adherence to tax regulations.

Incorporating Rental Expenses into Your Tax Return

To account for the expenses you can claim deductions for in your tax return, follow these steps:

  • 'You had Australian interest or other Australian income or losses from investments or property.'
  • 'Other foreign income' if applicable to overseas property.
  • Provide the necessary details about your rental property and related income.

Add Rental Expenses:

Within the 'Rental expenses' section, input your eligible expenses after completing the property and income details. If you co-own the property, attribute rental income and expenses to each co-owner based on their legal interest.

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The Insider @ Houst

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider team at Houst is dedicated to providing up-to-date and relevant information on short-term rentals. If you have hosting inquiries, please write to us at For guest inquiries, reach out at We are here to help you navigate the world of short lets and look forward to assisting you with your needs.

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