From Smart to Intelligent: The Future of Home Living in Melbourne



The Insider @ Houst
Last updated on
September 4, 2023
February 6, 2024

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From Smart to Intelligent: The Future of Home Living in Melbourne

Airbnb Management Services by Houst | Short-Term Rental Experts

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Managing our heating system from a distance and enjoying on-demand content via our smart TV has become commonplace.

However, a new wave of excitement is emerging, centered around the concept of "intelligent" homes and the potential for AI to become an integral part of our everyday domestic experiences. Intelligent homes represent the natural progression of the smart home phenomenon. In this article, we’ll discuss intelligent home smart home Melbourne.

Table of Contents

What is an Intelligent Home?

Have you ever thought about homes that get you? That's what an intelligent home does. It's like having a house that knows what you want and need. Imagine this: the house takes care of stuff on its own, turning things on and off, making things as cozy as you like. And get this: it learns from you, watching how you move around, which spots you hang out in the most, and how you like your place lit up and warm. It's like having a super-smart sidekick that makes your living space awesome without you even saying a word. Plus, it keeps an eye on outside stuff, like the weather, so you're always comfy. That's an intelligent home for you!

An individual using a smartphone app to control smart home functionalities such as lighting, temperature, and security systems.

What is a Smart Home?

Have you ever noticed how everyone's buzzing about smart homes these days? Before we discuss intelligent homes, let's get the lowdown on what smart homes and home automation are all about.

Think of it like this: a smart home is like having your place tuned in to your phone. They call it smart home tech, or sometimes home automation, from the Latin word “domus,” meaning home. It gives homeowners many cool things: security, comfort, convenience, and energy-saving. Using a special app, you can use your smartphone to play boss with your smart home devices.

Imagine you're not home, but those little worries creep in. Did I switch off the lights? Is the alarm set? Is the heater still going? In a smart home Melbourne, all it takes is a quick glance at your phone to sort things out. With a tap, you can see what's up, turn off the lights, lock up tight, and get the heat just right.

A smart home is like telling your place what's what from your phone. You can make things happen on a schedule, too, like setting the mood with the lights and music or getting the room all warm and cozy before you return.

But here's the twist: This isn't quite like an intelligent home. It's not super smart, like a genius buddy who gets you completely. It's like having a remote for your TV and saying it's a smart TV. Smart homes have their perks, but they're like the warm-up act for futuristic homes that'll blow your mind.

What People Desire from Their Smart or Intelligent Homes

What people are really after in their smart or intelligent homes is a complete package, not just individual devices. They aim for systems to take charge of all the big things in their living spaces.

The research uncovered that most folks define a "smart" home as one with security, temperature, lighting, and safety in sync. When asked what's needed for a home to be dubbed "smart," 63% pointed at security, like alarm systems. Another 63% brought up temperature, like thermostats and fans. Lighting was a biggie at 58%, and 56% thought of safety, like fire or carbon monoxide detectors.

What's intriguing is that a whopping three-quarters of the study believed that having just one kind of smart technology isn't enough to make a home smart. Specifically, 60% believed that for a home to earn the "smart" title, it should have a minimum of three smart categories onboard. Security and temperature control were the front-runners. The same report checked what kind of smart tech would nudge people toward buying a home. Smart security and temperature attracted potential buyers' attention, with 58% finding smart security appealing and 56% saying the same for temperature control. On the flip side, smart appliances like intelligent fridges, washers, dryers, and entertainment setups didn't quite make the popularity cut.

An assortment of smart devices on a table including smart thermostat, smart security cameras, and smart lights.

Farewell Smart Homes in Intelligent Home Revolution

The landscape of smart homes and home automation Melbourne is undergoing a digital upheaval, transitioning from smart homes to intelligent homes.

Consumers are keenly receptive to more advanced smart home services in this evolving scenario. Their aspiration extends beyond mere smartness; they aspire for genuine intelligence in their living spaces. The preference? Devices that take the initiative independently. This sentiment resonates with nearly 60% of consumers who desire their smart home devices to function without explicit commands. They envisage a scenario where data, analytics, and sensors collaboratively drive actions. Yet, voice control and smartphone-based commands become viable alternatives if devices lack self-regulation capabilities.

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What's Essential for an Intelligent Home?

An intelligent home is more than just a collection of smart devices; it's an ecosystem of interconnected technologies working in harmony to create a living space that understands and adapts to its inhabitants' needs. Below are the key components that are essential for creating a truly intelligent home.

Comprehensive Data Insight

To operate autonomously and effectively, an intelligent home requires access to a plethora of specific data. This includes, but is not limited to, the number of occupants, their usual locations within the home, and their habitual movement patterns. Advanced sensors and cameras can collect this data, providing the home's AI system with the information it needs to make smart decisions. For example, energy-efficient lights could turn off automatically in vacant rooms or the heating system could adjust based on the number of people in a particular space, conserving energy when nobody is home.

Sub-Elements of Data Insight:

  1. Occupancy Sensors: These can determine which rooms are occupied and which are not, thus conserving energy in unused spaces.
  2. Behavioural Analytics: Machine learning algorithms analyse the occupants' behaviour over time to predict future needs and preferences.
  3. Security Data: Intelligent security systems can differentiate between homeowners, guests, and potential intruders, adjusting security settings accordingly.

Environmental Understanding

A home that truly understands its environment is better equipped to serve its occupants. This means having an acute awareness of external and internal environmental conditions, such as room temperature, air quality, humidity, and brightness levels. Using this data, the home can make informed decisions like lowering the blinds during peak sunlight hours to keep the home cool, or activating air purifiers when it detects poor air quality.

Sub-Elements of Environmental Understanding:

  1. Weather Sensors: These can predict external weather conditions and adjust home settings, such as heating or cooling systems, accordingly.
  2. Air Quality Monitors: These devices keep track of pollutants and allergens in the air and act accordingly.
  3. Adaptive Lighting: Light sensors can automatically adjust the brightness level of rooms based on natural light availability.

Internet Connectivity

A robust internet connection is vital for an intelligent home. Not only does it facilitate real-time monitoring and control via smartphones or computers, but it also enables cloud-based data storage and machine learning algorithms. These cloud-based systems can process large datasets more efficiently than local servers, thus making the home smarter over time.

Interactive Communication

An intelligent home isn't just a passive observer; it actively communicates with the occupants. Real-time notifications about open windows, security breaches, or energy inefficiencies are sent to smartphones or displayed on smart home interfaces. The goal is not just to inform but to actively engage the occupants in managing their home more efficiently.

Sub-Elements of Interactive Communication:

  1. Voice Assistants: These can provide vocal alerts and can also be used for verbal commands.
  2. Smartphone Notifications: Instant alerts for any home-based anomalies or suggestions for improvements.
  3. Interactive Dashboards: A control panel that provides a comprehensive view of the home's various functionalities and states.

Seamless Device Integration

To create a truly intelligent environment, seamless integration among various devices is crucial. This goes beyond merely linking devices through a common hub; it involves creating a common language or protocol for all devices so they can collaborate more efficiently. Without this, you may have smart devices, but not an intelligent home.

Sub-Elements of Device Integration:

  1. Universal Protocols: Standards like Zigbee or Z-Wave can be used for better communication among devices.
  2. API Integrations: For more advanced setups, custom API integrations might be necessary to link proprietary systems.
  3. Centralised Control Hub: A single point of control that ties all the smart devices together into a cohesive system.

With these core components in place, an intelligent home can be more than just a sum of its parts, becoming an integrated, learning, and adapting entity that genuinely makes life easier, safer, and more comfortable for its inhabitants.

A modern living room fully equipped with a range of smart home devices, showcasing a smart thermostat, speakers, and lighting.

Enhance Your Rental Experience with Houst

Discover a new level of convenience in property rental management with Houst. We offer services that cover all aspects of hosting on platforms such as Airbnb and, including creating appealing Airbnb listings and providing excellent Airbnb cleaning services. With a remarkable history of managing over 370,000 bookings and achieving an impressive 83.1% occupancy rate, you can confidently rely on our expertise. With Houst, you can easily take care of your Airbnb property, insurance, pricing, and communication. 

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider team at Houst is dedicated to providing up-to-date and relevant information on short-term rentals. If you have hosting inquiries, please write to us at For guest inquiries, reach out at We are here to help you navigate the world of short lets and look forward to assisting you with your needs.

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider team at Houst is dedicated to providing up-to-date and relevant information on short-term rentals. If you have hosting inquiries, please write to us at For guest inquiries, reach out at We are here to help you navigate the world of short lets and look forward to assisting you with your needs.

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