The Ultimate Guide for Short Term Lets Investments: Strategies, Tips, and Market Insights



The Insider @ Houst
Last updated on
June 30, 2023

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The Ultimate Guide for Short Term Lets Investments: Strategies, Tips, and Market Insights

Airbnb Management Services by Houst | Short-Term Rental Experts

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Houst is a leading property management company specialising in short-term and medium-term bookings in eight countries. With over 7 years of experience and managing over 300,000 bookings, we help homeowners make the most of their properties.

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Over the last decade, short term rentals have captured significant attention from the best short term rental sites UK like Airbnb, VRBO, and other notable players. Notably, the COVID-19 pandemic showcased the resilience of STRs, making them an appealing choice for astute real estate investors. A noteworthy emerging trend in recent times is the growing popularity of short-term Airbnb rentals, driven by individuals embracing the liberating "live anywhere" lifestyle. This shift is witnessed among retirees and the millennial workforce, who are increasingly opting for a nomadic existence, free from the constraints of traditional homes and offices.

If you contemplate entering the realm of short term rental investing and seeking expert guidance, your search ends here. In this guide, we’ll discuss what is a short term rental and share some invaluable insights and advice. So, let’s get started! 

Table of Contents

Understanding the Short Term Lets Market

Understanding the Short Term Lets Market

A short-term rental is when you rent a property for a few days or a few months. It's an alternative option for travellers or those needing temporary housing. Renters can rent apartments, houses, and rooms for shorter stays. Platforms like Airbnb and VRBO have made it convenient for property owners to list their spaces and for guests to find and book these short-term rentals. 

Current Trends and Market Analysis

The short-term lets market is experiencing several notable trends worth understanding for potential investors. The short-term lets market has transformed with the rise of the best short term rental sites UK like Airbnb and VRBO. These platforms have made it convenient for property owners to list their spaces and for travellers to find accommodations easily. 

Also, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the market. While the tourism industry suffered during the pandemic, short-term rentals fared comparatively better than hotels. As travel restrictions have gradually eased, there has been a renewed demand for short-term rentals as people seek flexible and private accommodation options.

  • The short term rental market in Europe and the UK is experiencing positive growth, as indicated by the average daily rates (ADR). ADRs have shown a year-over-year growth rate of 11%, with current rates at €141.84 in Europe and £155.27 in the U.K.
  • While there has been a slight dip in occupancy levels across Europe during the first half of 2023 compared to 2022 (3% decrease), the U.K. has maintained a relatively stable occupancy rate. Similarly, the U.S. has also witnessed a decline in occupancy, with March figures showing a 5% decrease compared to the previous year.
  • Despite the occupancy challenges, the increase in ADRs has contributed to higher revenue per available rental (RevPAR). Europe has experienced an 8% rise in RevPAR, while the U.K. has seen a notable 10% increase, showcasing the positive impact of ADR growth on overall rental revenue.

Factors to Consider Before Investing in Short Term Lets Properties

Factors to Consider Before Investing in Short Term Lets Properties

Before diving into short term rental investment, you should know how to choose the best Airbnb investment property. Let’s see how!

Clearly Define Your Goals 

Besides focusing on the gross yield, consider your other objectives, such as the time commitment, preferred property size, risk tolerance, and whether you want professional guidance or prefer to handle it independently.

Financing Options

Determine your budget and assess the risks involved. If you're not a cash buyer, explore buy-to-let mortgage options, which differ from traditional residential mortgages regarding deposit requirements and interest rates.

Time Commitment

Be aware that managing investment properties can be time-consuming. Decide how involved you want to be and choose properties accordingly, whether it's a low-maintenance option or a renovation project.

Legal Responsibilities

Understand your legal obligations as a landlord, such as maintaining a safe property, providing essential equipment, obtaining Energy Performance Certificates, protecting tenants' deposits, and complying with rental eligibility checks.

Licensing Requirements

Stay informed about licensing regulations, especially for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), and be aware of selective licensing specific to your local authority. Ensure ongoing compliance to avoid penalties.

Location Matters

Choose a location that aligns with your target tenant demographic and offers desirable amenities. Proximity to universities, schools, transportation, and recreational spaces can impact rental demand and potential income.

Finding Tenants

Explore various advertising platforms to attract reliable tenants. Consider partnering with a specialist estate agent like Valor Properties to handle the marketing, tenant screening, and administrative aspects efficiently.

Financial Organisation

Understand the financial implications of owning a buy-to-let property, including stamp duty, income tax, agent fees, capital gains tax, ground rent, maintenance costs, and landlord insurance. Stay organised to avoid unexpected fines and seek professional assistance if needed.

Property Management

Recognise the responsibilities of a landlord, such as repairs, rent collection, paperwork, and tenant turnover. Consider outsourcing property management t to ensure a hands-free investment experience.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Short term rentals are subject to various legal and regulatory considerations, which vary by jurisdiction. Researching and understanding the nationwide legislation update for short-term rentals in England is crucial.

Some cities or municipalities may impose restrictions or require permits or licenses for short-term rentals. Zoning regulations, occupancy limits, tax obligations, safety requirements, and compliance with homeowner associations (if applicable) should be thoroughly investigated and adhered to.

For Example: Short Term Letting London

Since Airbnb revolutionised the home-sharing industry, the residential market in London and other major cities has significantly transformed. Property owners can maximise their earnings by renting spare rooms or empty apartments, especially during high seasons. Airbnb's user-friendly platform has simplified the process and reduced fees for hosts, allowing them to advertise and occupy their properties easily.

This shift has led to a change in rental periods, with properties traditionally leased for months or weeks now available for shorter stays, making them ideal for short term holiday lets. So, tenants, referred to as guests, have also adjusted their approach to finding accommodations for short breaks and getaways. The introduction of Airbnb and similar platforms has permanently altered how people search for and secure lodging options.

Steps to Starting Your Short Term Lets Journey

Starting your journey in short-term lets involves several key steps to set you up for success. Let’s see short term rentals ultimate guide:

Setting Investment Goals and Identifying Target Markets

Define your investment goals, whether generating passive income, diversifying your portfolio, or maximising returns. Identify target markets based on tourism demand, local attractions, and rental market trends.

Define Your Investment Goals

Consider your financial objectives, whether generating steady income, achieving long-term capital appreciation, or diversifying your investment portfolio. 

Research Market Demand

Explore various target markets and assess their potential. Look for areas with high tourism activity, business conferences, events, or attractions that attract travellers. Analyse factors like occupancy rates, seasonal fluctuations, and local regulations impacting short-term rentals.

Analyse Competition

Study existing short-term rental listings in your target markets. Evaluate their pricing, property features, guest reviews, and overall performance. Identify gaps or opportunities where you can differentiate your offering.

Evaluate Profitability

Estimate the potential income and expenses associated with your short-term rental property. Calculate the rental income based on comparable listings and occupancy rates. Consider costs like property management, utilities, maintenance, cleaning, and marketing to determine the profitability of your investment.

Risk Assessment

Evaluate the risks associated with short-term lets, such as market fluctuations, regulatory changes, seasonality, and potential disruptions. Develop contingency plans to mitigate risks and protect your investment.

Financing Options and Mortgage Considerations

Evaluate financing options for your short-term rental property, such as cash purchase, traditional mortgage, or specialised buy to let mortgage. Understand each option's requirements, interest rates, and repayment terms.

Assess Your Financial Situation

Evaluate your financial capacity and determine how much you can invest in a short-term rental property. Consider your savings, available funds, and the amount you're comfortable borrowing.

Research Mortgage Options

Explore different mortgage options available for investment properties. Contact professionals for information on interest rates, terms, and eligibility criteria for buy-to-let mortgages.

Calculate Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio

To determine the loan-to-value ratio, consider the percentage of the property's value you can borrow. Buy-to-let mortgages usually have LTV ratios ranging from 70% to 80%, depending on the lender's criteria.

Assess Affordability

Calculate the affordability of the mortgage payments based on the expected rental income and potential expenses. Consider factors like vacancy periods, maintenance costs, property management fees, and mortgage repayments to ensure the investment remains financially viable.

Property Research and Location Analysis

Conducting thorough property research and location analysis is crucial when embarking on your short term lets journey. Here are the steps to guide you:

  • Define Your Target Market
  • Research High-Demand Areas
  • Analyse Local Regulations
  • Assess Rental Income Potential
  • Consider Property Features and Amenities
  • Evaluate Competition
  • Calculate Expenses
  • Seek Local Insights

Calculating Rental Yield and Return on Investment (ROI)

Calculating rental yield and ROI is a crucial step in assessing your short term lets Edinburgh venture. Rental yield is a key metric that measures the income generated by your property as a percentage of its value. 

Rental Yield = (Annual Rental Income / Property Value) * 100

Conversely, ROI provides a broader perspective by considering both the rental income and the total costs associated with the property. To calculate ROI, subtract the total costs (including purchase price, transaction fees, renovations, and ongoing expenses) from the total income generated over a specified period. Divide this figure by the total costs and multiply by 100 to get the ROI percentage.

These calculations help you make informed decisions about potential investments, allowing you to compare different properties and evaluate their income-generating potential. Higher rental yield and ROI generally indicate a more profitable investment. However, it's essential to consider additional factors like market conditions, location, and potential future growth when assessing the overall profitability of an investment.

Finding and Acquiring Short Term Lets Properties

Let’s see how to start a short term rental business by finding and getting these properties: 

Property Search Strategies and Tools

Identifying the right short-term rental property requires effective search strategies and tools. Start by defining your investment criteria, such as location, property type, and budget. Online platforms like real estate websites and property listing portals can be valuable resources for exploring available properties. Networking with local real estate agents and attending auctions can uncover hidden gems. By leveraging these search strategies and utilising relevant tools, you can expand your options and increase the likelihood of finding suitable short term rental properties.

Property Evaluation and Due Diligence

Once you identify potential properties, thorough evaluation and due diligence are crucial. Begin by assessing the property's condition, considering its age, maintenance requirements, and potential renovation costs. Evaluate the property's proximity to attractions, amenities, and transportation links, as these factors greatly influence short-term renters. Research the local rental market to determine the area's demand, occupancy, and rental rates. Conducting proper due diligence will help you make informed decisions.

Negotiating Purchase Price and Deal Structure

Negotiating the purchase price and deal structure is vital in acquiring short-term rental properties. Before entering negotiations, gather relevant market information to support your offer. Consider factors such as property condition, comparable sales, and market trends. Present a compelling case for your offer, highlighting any potential advantages or unique selling points you've identified during the evaluation process. Be prepared to negotiate terms and conditions, including payment terms, contingencies, and closing timelines. Negotiation skills and a thorough understanding of the local market dynamics can help you secure a favourable purchase price and structure the deal to align with your investment goals.

Financing and Mortgage Options for Short Term Lets Properties

Financing and Mortgage Options for Short Term Lets Properties

Let’s have a look at financing and mortgage options for short term rental properties: 

Mortgage Requirements and Eligibility Criteria

When considering financing for short term rentals, it's important to understand the mortgage requirements and eligibility criteria.

  • Deposit requirement: Most lenders require a deposit of at least 25% (75% loan-to-value ratio) for short term lets mortgages. Some may consider 80% LTV, lowering the deposit requirement to 20%, but this is still higher than residential mortgages.
  • Homeowner status: Typically, first-time buyers may not qualify for a holiday let mortgage. Being a homeowner is usually a prerequisite.
  • Minimum income: Lenders prefer applicants to have a personal income besides rental income projections. Minimum income requirements range from £10,000 to £40,000, although a few lenders have no minimum requirement.
  • Maximum loan amount: Many lenders have maximum loan values ranging from £400,000 to £750,000, but some may extend borrowing up to £1.5 million. .
  • Minimum projected rental income: Lenders generally expect the property to generate around 145% of the monthly mortgage repayment in gross rental income, though some accept as low as 125%. Rental prices may need approval from a reputable holiday letting agency.
  • Age restrictions: The minimum age for a holiday let mortgage is typically 21, and the maximum age ranges from 75 to 85, depending on the lender. 
  • Property usage restrictions: Properties purchased with this type of mortgage cannot be used as the main residence but can be enjoyed for personal use on specified days per year.
  • Property type and usage: Some lenders restrict property types, such as non-standard construction or purpose-built holiday homes. Meeting minimum rental availability and using approved letting agents may be required.
  • Geographical restrictions: Financing may be more challenging for properties outside the mainland UK, although specialised lenders exist for certain areas or overseas purchases.
  • Portfolio size: Certain lenders limit the maximum number of short term holiday lets one can own simultaneously, usually ranging from 1 to 10 properties.

Short-Term Lets Mortgage Products and Rates

There are specific mortgage products designed for short term lets Leeds and Bristol. These mortgages often have different terms and rates compared to traditional residential mortgages. It's essential to research and compares different lenders to find the most suitable mortgage product with competitive rates tailored for short term lets investments. Holiday-let mortgage costs can vary based on several factors, including:

  • Property size
  • Location
  • Access
  • Property condition

Mortgage Application Process and Documentation:

The mortgage application process for short term lets Manchester or another city of UK follows similar steps as traditional mortgages. This includes submitting an application, providing financial documents such as bank statements and tax returns, and undergoing a property valuation. Be prepared to provide additional documentation related to the short-term rental, such as rental income projections and occupancy rates.

Managing and Maximising Rental Returns

Managing and maximising rental returns in the short-term lets industry involves several key aspects:

Tenant Screening and Selection Process

Ensuring the right tenants for your property is crucial for a successful rental experience. Implementing a thorough screening process helps minimise potential risks and ensures tenants are reliable, respectful, and financially stable. Conducting background checks, verifying references, and assessing their rental history can help you find trustworthy tenants who will care for your property.

Setting Competitive Rental Rates

Setting the correct rental rates is essential to attract tenants while maximising your returns. Conducting market research and analysing comparable properties in your area will give you insights into the rental rates prevailing in the market. Consider property size, location, amenities, and seasonality to determine competitive rates that align with the demand and generate optimal rental income.

Property Maintenance and Upkeep

Maintaining your property in excellent condition is vital for guest satisfaction and positive reviews, leading to higher occupancy rates and repeat bookings. Regular maintenance, cleanliness, and timely repairs ensure your property remains attractive to guests. Pay attention to details, provide essential amenities, and create a welcoming atmosphere to enhance the overall guest experience.

Dealing with Tenant Issues and Disputes

Despite thorough tenant screening, occasional issues and disputes may arise during the rental period. Promptly addressing tenant concerns, resolving conflicts, and providing excellent customer service is essential for tenant satisfaction. Clear communication, fair policies, and efficient problem-solving skills can help you manage tenant issues effectively and maintain a positive rental experience.

Tax Considerations for Short Term Lets Investors

Exploring tax obligations can be challenging, so staying informed and complying with the tax regulations is crucial. As a responsible provider, you are responsible for timely tax preparation, filing, and payment. Here are two key types of taxes that you should be familiar with and fulfil accordingly:

  • Income taxes: When offering short-term accommodation, it is essential to understand the income tax implications. Ensure you comply with the applicable tax regulations and fulfil your income tax obligations accordingly.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT): VAT is another important tax consideration. You may need to register for VAT and comply with the related obligations depending on your specific circumstances.

Here’s everything you need to know about holiday let taxes:

Understanding Rental Income Tax

When you engage in short term lets Newcastle or another UK’s state, the income earned is treated as regular rental income, requiring you to fulfil your legal obligation of paying taxes on it to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). The tax rates and allowances applicable at the time should be adhered to.

To calculate the taxable rental profits from short-term property letting, you can deduct allowable expenses, such as agent fees, property insurance, and gas, from the gross rental receipts.

It's important to be aware that there has been a significant restriction on the deduction of mortgage interest as an allowable expense since the 2017/18 tax year unless you meet the criteria for Furnished Holiday Lettings (FHL). However, starting from the 2020/21 tax year, you cannot deduct mortgage interest as an allowable expense. Instead, you receive a tax credit of 20% of the mortgage interest.

It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or seek expert guidance to ensure accurate understanding and compliance with the specific tax rules and regulations about your situation.

Deductible Expenses and Allowable Tax Benefits

Understanding deductible expenses and allowable tax benefits is essential for individuals navigating the UK tax system. By identifying the expenses that can be deducted and the tax benefits available, you can optimise your tax position and ensure compliance with the regulations. Let’s explore the key categories of deductible expenses and the tax benefits in the UK tax landscape for Airbnb hosts.

Allowable Expenses for Individuals

  • Travel Expenses: If your work requires travel, you can claim holiday let taxes deductions for travel-related costs, such as mileage, public transportation fares, and accommodation expenses incurred during business trips.
  • Business Use of Home: If you utilise a portion of your home for business purposes, you can claim a portion of the expenses associated with your home. This includes deductions for rent or mortgage interest, utility bills, and council tax that are directly related to the business use of your home. 
  • Professional Fees and Subscriptions: Costs associated with professional memberships, subscriptions to trade publications, and fees for professional services such as legal or accounting advice may be deductible.
  • Work-Related Training and Education: Expenses related to improving or maintaining your professional skills, such as training courses, workshops, and educational materials, may be eligible for tax deductions.

Tax Benefits for Individuals

In addition to deductible expenses, various tax benefits are available to individuals in the UK. Understanding these benefits can help reduce your tax liability and maximise your overall financial position:

  • Personal Allowance: The Personal Allowance is the income you can earn before paying income tax. Utilising this allowance effectively can result in tax savings.
  • Marriage Allowance: If you're married or in a civil partnership and one partner earns below the Personal Allowance, you can transfer a portion of the unused allowance to the higher-earning partner, lowering their tax liability.
  • Tax-Advantaged Saving Schemes: Using tax-efficient savings and investment schemes like ISAs and pension contributions can offer long-term tax benefits and potentially decrease your overall tax burden.

Capital Gains Tax and Exit Strategies

Investing in buy-to-let properties often aims to capitalise on potential market value increases. However, you'll be subject to capital gains tax when selling a second home or buy-to-let property at a profit (selling it for more than its allowable costs).

Allowable costs include the purchase price, stamp duty land tax, improvement expenses, and legal/professional fees related to the property sale.

Capital gains tax doesn't apply to the sale of your primary residence, and a £6,000 annual capital gains tax allowance/exemption exists for other property sales. As of April 1, 2023, this allowance was reduced from £12,300 to £6,000.

The applicable capital gains tax rate depends on your income tax band. Basic rate taxpayers pay 18%, while higher or additional rate taxpayers pay 28%. Capital gains must be reported and paid to HMRC within 60 days of the sale.

To save on Capital Gains Tax (CGT):

  • Consider owning the asset in your spouse's name if they have a lower tax bracket, taking advantage of combined allowances.
  • Ensure you claim relief for all allowable expenses mentioned earlier.
  • Explore property ownership through a limited company, but note that recent corporate tax rate increases affect its appeal.
  • Make use of private residence or letting relief if applicable. Claim private residence relief if the property was your main residence before being sold, and claim to let relief up to £40,000 if you rented it out during your ownership.
  • Utilise business asset rollover relief, deferring CGT payment until the replacement property is sold. This relief applies to furnished holiday lettings, not ordinary residential lettings.
  • Consult with a tax professional to fully understand and optimise your Capital Gains Tax position based on your circumstances.

Scaling Your Short Term Lets Portfolio

Strategies for Portfolio Growth and Diversification

Expanding your short-term lets portfolio requires strategic planning and consideration of various factors. Here are some effective strategies to fuel your portfolio growth and diversify your property investments:

Market Research

Conduct thorough market research to identify areas with high demand for short-term accommodation. Analyse factors like tourist attractions, business hubs, and local events that can drive occupancy rates and rental income.

Property Acquisition

Explore opportunities to acquire additional properties that align with your investment goals. Consider location, property type, amenities, and potential for attractive returns.

Renovations and Upgrades

Enhancing your properties through renovations and upgrades can attract more guests and command higher rental rates. Focus on improvements that align with market trends and guest preferences, such as modern amenities and stylish interiors.

Strategic Partnerships

Collaborate with local businesses, travel agencies, or online booking platforms to enhance your property visibility and attract a wider customer base. Forge partnerships that offer mutually beneficial promotions or referrals.

Leveraging Technology

Embrace tools and platforms that streamline property management, bookings, and guest communication. To improve operational efficiency, use automation for tasks like pricing optimisation, availability management, and guest reviews.

Pros and Cons of Property Management Services

While managing your short term lets Scotland, you can provide greater control. It's essential to consider the pros and cons of engaging professional property management services:


  • Time-Saving: Property management companies handle day-to-day operations, including guest check-ins, cleaning, and maintenance, freeing up your time for other ventures.
  • Expertise: Property managers possess industry knowledge, experience, and resources to optimise your rental income, market your properties effectively, and handle guest inquiries or issues.
  • Local Presence: Property management companies offer a local presence, allowing them to respond promptly to guest needs and ensure smooth operations.


  • Cost: Engaging property management services incurs fees or commissions, reducing your overall rental income. Carefully evaluate the financial impact and consider the value provided by the management company.
  • Control: Entrusting property management to a third party means relinquishing some control over decision-making and the overall guest experience. Choose a reputable company that aligns with your vision and standards.

Long-Term Wealth Building through Short-Term Lets Investments

Investing in short term lets Brighton or other UK states can be a powerful wealth-building strategy. Here's how you can maximise the long-term benefits:

Cash Flow and Appreciation

Short-term lets often generate higher rental income compared to long-term rentals. Also, well-chosen properties in high-demand locations have the potential for capital appreciation over time, increasing your overall wealth.

Tax Advantages

Explore available tax benefits and deductions related to short-term lets, such as allowable expenses, capital allowances, and claiming mortgage interest relief. Consult with a tax professional to optimise your tax position and maximise savings.

Portfolio Expansion 

As your short-term lets portfolio grows, so does your potential for increased rental income and wealth accumulation. Reinvesting profits into acquiring additional properties can accelerate your long-term financial goals.

Exit Strategies

Consider exit strategies to capitalise on your short-term lets investments. These may include selling properties at the peak of market demand or exploring options like converting properties to long-term rentals or other investment vehicles.

Risks and Challenges of Short Term Lets Investments

Risks and Challenges of Short Term Lets Investments

Let’s explore some risks and challenges of short term rentals: 

Market Volatility and Economic Factors

Investing in short-term lets comes with its fair share of risks, particularly regarding market volatility and economic factors. Fluctuations in the housing market, changes in tourism patterns, and economic downturns can all impact the demand for short-term rentals. It's essential to carefully assess the local market conditions before diving into this type of investment. Conduct thorough research on historical trends, tourism data, and economic indicators to better understand the potential risks and rewards.

Rental Vacancies and Cash Flow Management

One of the challenges of short-term lets is the potential for rental vacancies. Unlike long-term rentals, where tenants commit to a more extended lease, short-term rentals experience higher turnover rates. This can result in periods of vacant properties, affecting your rental income and cash flow. To mitigate this risk, it's crucial to develop effective marketing strategies to attract a consistent stream of guests and maintain a high occupancy rate. Additionally, having a solid cash flow management plan will help you navigate periods of low occupancy or unexpected expenses.

Mitigating Risks and Exit Strategies

Mitigating risks is a vital aspect of any investment, and short term rentals are no exception. It's essential to consider potential risks such as property damage, liability issues, and regulatory compliance. Investing in adequate insurance coverage and implementing thorough guest screening processes can help protect your investment and minimise potential risks. Furthermore, exit strategies are crucial if you need to adapt to changing market conditions or unforeseen circumstances. This may include options like transitioning to long-term rentals or selling the property.


This guide provided you with valuable insights and strategies for success in this investment venture. Investors can maximise their returns by prioritising location, optimising property presentation, implementing effective pricing strategies, leveraging technology, and providing excellent guest experiences. Stay updated on industry trends and regulatory changes to stay ahead. Approach each opportunity with adaptability and a commitment to exceptional guest experiences. Hire the right property rental management company to increase ROI!

Houst is Your Premier Rental Property Management Solution

Houst is the leading rental management company, providing unmatched expertise and comprehensive services for property owners. With a team of seasoned professionals and cutting-edge technology, Houst ensures hassle-free management of your rental properties. Experience tenant satisfaction and peace of mind with Houst as your trusted property management partner.

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider team at Houst is dedicated to providing up-to-date and relevant information on short-term rentals. If you have hosting inquiries, please write to us at For guest inquiries, reach out at We are here to help you navigate the world of short lets and look forward to assisting you with your needs.

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider @ Houst

The Insider team at Houst is dedicated to providing up-to-date and relevant information on short-term rentals. If you have hosting inquiries, please write to us at For guest inquiries, reach out at We are here to help you navigate the world of short lets and look forward to assisting you with your needs.

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Complete property management services

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Listing Management

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Guest Management

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  • Guest check-ins
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  • Guest communications

Property Management

  • Cleaning and housekeeping
  • Property maintenance
  • Property insurance
  • Property management software
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